You know how much we at The Novel Factory like processes and automating things that can be automated in order to save all that brainjuice for the most important (and fun) creative endeavours?
Well, we've found some kindred spirits over at ProWritingAid. These guys are experts when it comes to the technical edit.
Their app analyses your text and isolates where your writing might be improved for readability, fluency and accuracy
ProWriting Aid won’t find your plot holes or come up with that breathtaking metaphor you crave but it will find your overly complicated sentences, your weak verbs, your longwinded pages of backstory and so much more.
Pssst - use the code FACTORY to get 40% off the Premium version of ProWriting Aid (expires December 10th). Or you can just give it a go for free.
Well, we've found some kindred spirits over at ProWritingAid. These guys are experts when it comes to the technical edit.
Their app analyses your text and isolates where your writing might be improved for readability, fluency and accuracy
ProWriting Aid won’t find your plot holes or come up with that breathtaking metaphor you crave but it will find your overly complicated sentences, your weak verbs, your longwinded pages of backstory and so much more.
Pssst - use the code FACTORY to get 40% off the Premium version of ProWriting Aid (expires December 10th). Or you can just give it a go for free.
I’ve asked the Editor of their blog, Lisa Lepki, to give
us some pro-tips. Here is what she said:
Moving from the Creative Flow to the Technical Edit
By Lisa Lepki
Before you begin your first edit (and indeed all future
edits), we recommend taking a couple weeks away from the text, so that when you
come back to edit and redraft, you will be much more able to see what’s actually
there rather than what you meant to get across.
Start with English 101
There are several levels of technical writing improvements that
you should look at. You can begin with
the ones you learned in English 101: proper use of punctuation, grammatical errors,
spelling mistakes, etc. A basic
spellcheck program in any word processor will find most of these errors.
Next up: Readability Improvements
Readability improvements are slightly more complicated. Often words and sentences should be changed,
not because they are grammatically incorrect, but because they are not as clear
or as strong as they could be. This is
to be expected when you have written a novel with your brain in full creative
mode rather than editing mode. Now is the
time to go back and think about the specific words and structures and how they
are getting your ideas across.
Start with these 15 (yes, 15!) issues and your writing will
be in much better shape when you give it to your beta reader or editor. There are 20 ProWritingAid writing reports in
total but we’ll ease you in with these first essential steps.
1. Simplify your sticky sentences
This is my personal favorite
report. A sticky sentence is one that is full of “glue words”, the 200 or so most
common words in English: in, on, the,
was, for, etc. Glue words are the empty
space that readers need to get through before they can get to your ideas. Generally, your sentences should contain less
than 45% glue words. If they contain
more, they should probably be re-written to increase clarity. Let’s look at an example.
Sticky: Dave walked
over into the back yard of the school in order to see if there was a new bicycle
that he could use in his class. (Glue index: 60.7%)
Clear: Dave checked
the school’s back yard for a new bicycle to use in class. (Glue index 42.8%)
The editing tool will find these
sentences for you so that you can make them clearer.
2. Check for repeats
Duplicating or repeating a word
or phrase too quickly is an easy mistake to make. If you’ve just used a word then it will be
active in your mind and so you can easily use it again without even realizing. Although it is easily done, it can be really difficult
for you, as the writer, to spot. An
editing tool can search through your entire piece of writing and point out that
you used the phrase “to her daughter” eight times, or “they set forth again”
five times, so that you can rephrase some of those instances and keep your
readers engaged.
3. Down with adverbs!
As Stephen King famously said “The road to hell is
paved with adverbs.” Writers tend to use
adverbs to modify a weak verb. Where
possible, it’s better to use a strong verb instead. Look at these examples.
Weak verb + adverb: John ran quickly to
Strong verb: John
sprinted to school.
Weak verb + adverb: Kate spoke quietly to her daughter.
Strong verb: Kate
whispered to her daughter.
Weak verb + adverb: Peter stared angrily at
Strong verb: Peter glared at Paul.
Writers often find a lot of
adverbs in their first draft and that’s understandable. This is a common writers’ problem. The editing
tool will highlight every adverb in your text so you can reassess them. We certainly don’t suggest that you remove ALL
adverbs, sometimes they will be exactly right for what you are trying to get
across. But adverbs tend to be weak and,
when you edit, your sentences will usually be more engaging if you re-write
them using strong verbs.
4. Use the passive voice very carefully
This is one of those writing rules
passed down by generations of writers: sentences written in the active voice tend
to be more engaging for the reader.
In an active sentence, the
subject is at the start of the sentence and the ordering is SUBJECT-VERB-OBJECT,
e.g. Jane hit the ball. In a passive sentence, the object is promoted
to the start of the sentence, and the subject is relegated to the end, e.g. The ball was hit by Jane.
Like many of these rules, this
does not mean that you must remove every occurrence – sometimes it works – but
more often than not, you should rearrange your passive sentence to make it
active, and therefore more effective.
5. Eliminate redundancies
You will be amazed at how often redundancies creep into your
writing. Redundant words make writing
longer, not better. Let’s look at some
problems first began when Gary lost his job.
The word began means
“the first occurrence”, so the word first
is redundant.
Tom and Susie gathered together around the fire.
The word gathered
means “to come together”, so the word together
is redundant.
An editing tool can search for
hundreds of common redundant phrases so you can eliminate the clutter.
6. Eliminate clichés
Whenever you use a cliché, you
are knowingly writing something unoriginal.
George Orwell in his Rules of Writing said: “Never use a metaphor,
simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print”. Use your imagination to come up with something
fresh. A new analogy or metaphor will
make much more of an impression on your readers than a dusty old cliché.
7. Replace overused words
We often use words like just, then, knew, feel, it, there, and have when we speak, but if we want our writing
to stand out, we need to not overuse them on the page. (Again, this does not mean eliminate, just not overuse.)
When we are lacking inspiration, these are the words we fall back on. When you run your writing through an editing app, you will probably find that the sections you struggled with will be a rainbow of highlighted overused words compared to those ones that had a good flow. Go back to those sections and see if you can vary your word selection to make your writing more compelling.
8. De-tag your dialogue
This is one way to follow the “show, don’t tell” rule that
has passed down from writer to writer. Editors
prefer minimal use of dialogue tags like said
and replied. Instead, try using
the dialogue itself or the character’s action to carry emotion. For example:
Original: “You
are not going,” Mark said angrily.
Rewrite: Mark thumped his fist on the desk. “You are
not going and that’s final.”
In the second example, Mark’s anger was shown,
not told, and no
dialogue tags were needed.
9. Add more transitions
Statistics show that published writing
has a high occurrence of transitions: as many as one in every four sentences. Transitions are the short phrases that draw
relationships between the sentences in a text. For
example is a transition, as are likewise,
similarly and thus. Transitions help organize your ideas, make your writing easy to
follow and help form a cogent argument. Sections that have a low frequency of
transitions may be difficult to follow and disjointed. The editing tool will scan your writing and
give you a transitions score. If it’s
low, you probably want to add a couple more to create better flow.
10. Be consistent
Maybe you are in England and you
want to put a “u” into colour, labour, and neighbourhood. That’s cool
with us. Maybe you are in America and you
want to organize and analyze rather than organise and analyse
like they do in the UK. No problem. What’s not OK, however, is if you are trying “to organise some neighborhood labour by analyzing the house colours”. There are over 1,700 spelling differences
between UK English and US English, with Canadian English sitting somewhere precariously
between the two. You need to decide if you
are going to use US or UK spelling and then stick with it. The app will find these inconsistencies and
call you out on it.
11. Cut down on pronouns
When you are writing in creative
mode, often you rely on pronouns to get your narrative across: He did this, She did that, They ran
there, I found out. Ideally, you should aim for a pronoun
percentage of between 4% and 15%. Any
more than this and your writing can feel dull.
This is especially so with initial pronouns – those at the start of the
sentence. Check your pronoun score and see if you can add more variety to your
writing by replacing them with proper nouns or by rearranging the sentence.
12. Check your pace
Good writing contains
faster-paced sections, such as dialogue and character action, as well as
slower-paced sections, such as introspection and backstory. Differently paced sections should complement
each other, allowing the reader to move with you through the narrative. A book that is entirely composed of car
chases without taking the time to make you care about the character being
chased just won’t be effective at bringing readers into the story. Likewise, a story that has four chapters in a
row dedicated to Zen contemplation may need a bit of action to keep readers
interested. The editing tool can
highlight your slower-paced sections to make sure that your reader won’t get
bogged down.
13. Watch out for overly long sentences
When you are on a writing roll,
it is easy to accidentally write long, rambling, run-on sentences to get your
characters from A to B. Readers often
get lost in a long sentence and have to go back to the beginning to make sense
of it. Every time they have to do that,
they step outside of your world for a moment.
Some long sentences work beautifully, but more often than not, your
clarity will increase if you split them into a more easily digestible size.
14. Vary your sentence length
The average sentence length for
most published writers is between 11 and 18 words. If your average is over that, your writing
might feel overly verbose or complicated.
If your average is below that, your writing will likely feel
choppy. To maintain your readers’
interest, use a variety of sentence lengths: some short and punchy, others long
and flowing. An editing tool can give
you a visual representation of your work so you can see where whether your
sentence variety needs to be increased.
15. Vary your NLP Predicates
It’s important to use all five senses
in your writing. Every writer has a
tendency to favour one or two sense over the others, and this affects the way
that he or she experiences the world, processes information and makes memories.
This means that we tend to describe
characters, settings or actions using words related to our own senses. Writing that skews too far toward one sense
over the others will resonate more with readers who favour the same sense and
less so with those who do not. Run your
writing through the NLP Predicates report and make sure that you have all five
senses covered.
I know it seems like a lot, but if you take the time to check
all of these elements, your writing will be stronger. Plus, focusing on the technical side of
things for a while gives your creative neurons a bit of a rest. When you go
back and read your edited work, you will be better able to re-enter the creative
mode and build on your narrative and character development.
Happy editing!
ProWritingAid’s FREE version offers access to 20 writing reports. Before
December 10th use code FACTORY to get 40% off the Premium version, which allows you to edit within the reports and gain access to MS Word and Google Docs add-ins.
December 10th use code FACTORY to get 40% off the Premium version, which allows you to edit within the reports and gain access to MS Word and Google Docs add-ins.
Lisa Lepki is the
Editor of the ProWritingAid blog. A word nerd, she loves the technical
elements of writing almost as much as the writing itself. Her work can also be
found on Writer’s Digest,, The Write Life, and DIYAuthor.