There appears to be a rather popular trend out there of
people making trite little cards which start with ‘You know you’re a writer
then…’ and then finishing with some pithy little statement which no doubt makes
the kind of people who approve of such things titter in amusement, probably
while coyly covering their giggles with a delicate hand.
Whenever I see these, I either want to cringe or vomit, but
rarely bother responding, because we all know it’ll just end up in a reference
to Nazis (was that some kind of pre-emptive Godwin’s law?).
However, I thought I’d take to the time to list a few of the
biggest humdinders here, and explain while they’re such a pile of tripe (and I
have a dog, so I know how stinky tripe is):
You know you’re a writer when…
…deleting whole paragraphs of your manuscript is the emotional equivalent of stabbing yourself in the chest repeatedly.

You know you’re a writer when…
…You absolutely can’t write anything down unless it’s with that pen, no matter how good the idea is.

What this is actually a sign of, is obsessive compulsive
disorder, which – while possibly a common symptom of writers, does not actually
signify one.
And why on earth would anybody be using a pen to write? This
isn’t the middle ages.
You know you’re a writer when…
… you remember the backstory of all your characters, but you’ve yet to write down a single one.

So, now that I’ve laid into example of what a writer clearly
is not, perhaps you’d like my view on how you really can tell if you’re a